Workshop: Elevator Pitches & Sharing your science story

I created a 45min workshop for my 12+ member lab group focused on exercises that would help us better answer the question, "So...what do you do?". I'm no expert, most recently trained following my selection as an American Geophysical Union Voice for Science, but I spent the weeks leading up to the lab meeting learning more about what makes a good elevator pitch and figuring out a fun and interactive outline for our time together. Here is that outline, for any who wish to replicate it.
Do let me know how it goes, if you choose to use this with your own group!

Sharing your science story
45min - 1hr workshop

Outline & Speaker Notes

Sharing your science story workshop

Elevator pitch mini-training

(as referenced in the outline)

Elevator pitch mini-presentation

Links, References, and Citations

(in order of appearance)

  1. An important and interesting discussion of potential pitfalls of Up-goer 5 (and where I get the info that even a 6 year old has more vocab than Upgoer-five allows):

  2. Up Goer Five text editor:

  3. Original "Up Goer Five" cartoon (have this on screen while folks work on their own):

  4. I learned quite a bit from elevator pitch champion, Chris Westfall, via this video:

  5. I also took notes from University of Colorado Boulder's Postdoctoral Affairs's elevator pitch round table slides:

  6. Elevator pitch construction was adapted directly from Anders Sahlman in this video from IVA Research2Business:

  7. The first video I use in the mini-presentation on elevator pitches is of Katharine Hayhoe and is posted by greenman3610:

  8. The second video I use in the mini-presentation on elevator pitches is of Michael McGuire and is posted by UTHealth:

Have fun with it!