Bridging the gap from science to community

about me

I bring the best practices in participant engagement and scientific data collection to community science programs across Washington.

Currently I...

Outside of science, I...

Together, they've taught me the challenges and reward of building bridges between exciting, new environmental science and the communities and policy-makers who can benefit from it best. 

Lisa stands on hillside pointing to plant as a citizen science data collector looks on.


My approach to science

Recent Interviews


"Looking for crab molts to stop invasive green crabs"

NPR's KUOW. June 2024. 

"Patricia Murphy takes a beach walk with Sea Grant’s Lisa Watkins"

"Troubled Waters: Microplastic Pollution"

Cornell Research. Aug 2021. 

"Watkins’ research takes her many places, but perhaps the most meaningful to her are the communities with whom she partners. There, she connects with a variety of individuals, from politicians to middle-schoolers."


Research + more

Projects I've led & What we learned


map of Ithaca New York showing the 6 dams sampled for the project mentioned below.

+ Dams

On foot and by canoe, the masters student I supervised sampled the water and sediment at 6 different local dams. 

We found: Plastic gets trapped behind dams and enters the sediment. But not so many that the next dam downstream ends up receiving a noticeable amount less. 

Participatory Science
+ Plastic Pollution

Citizen scientists enthusiastically contribute to plastic pollution datasets. But are the methods they're told to follow creating useful data?

I compared app-based Litterati citizen science data to randomized litter audits from the same years & locations. I found Litterati lets us learn more about people-patterns than litter patterns, and I identify some easy method improvements to better honor volunteer's efforts.

Community Science
+ Food Waste

As a project manager with Thriving Earth Exchange, I guided scoping and stakeholder identification for a community group in need of scientific expertise. 

Now, I facilitate their meetings between government, NGO, and academic stakeholders to drive the project forward on budget ($10k) and on time (2yr). By December we'll have a detailed advocacy campaign for reducing food waste & greenhouse gases, supported by community-tailored scientific analysis.


National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellow 

Mini Resumé 

Recent experience



Teton Science Schools
The Murie Ranch 


Environmental Defense Fund
Democratizing Data project 

Relevant Coursework

Awards & Certifications


~ Latest Blog Posts ~


Workshop: Elevator pitches & Sharing your science story

April 2021

A workshop curriculum I developed (& led for my lab group) on better answering the question "So...what do you do?" for scientists.

screenshot of upgoer-five sci-comm text editor

February 2021

New research published February 18th in the American Journal of Public Health highlights one specific part of your health you no longer have control over: pthalates.

January 2021

Unfinished reflections on my year with the American Geophysical Unions science communication incubator.

Cartoon drawn by Lisa Watkins about plastic pollution science

Cartoon drawing about new microplastic research. By Lisa Watkins, Spring 2020


Let's connect!
